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Voyager85 - 29 September 2006 - The Duergar's Siege

Outline: 1. Duergar Siege (non-linear storytelling) 2. Back (in story time) to Beholder's cavern 3. Godstone (clear cave-in on both ends) 4. Forward (in story time) to after Duergar combat 5. Down tunnel to Drow Enclave 6. Breach defenses and fight Drow

1. Duergar Siege (non-linear storytelling)

Rather than start where we left off last time, this session will experiment with non-linear storytelling. The primary goal to this experiment is to allow us to start off with a combat. But the secondary goal is to seperate the two combats in time - so that they are not both at the end of the session.

This fight takes place after the events of #3 (see below), but it is highly unlikely that the players will depart from the expected course of action, so there should be no surprises between “then” and “now”.

Scene: An Underdark tunnel opening up into a large cavern (See image file “Voyager85_DuergarCavern.jpg” - which was stolen from “Quicksilver Hourglass”, as published in Dungeon Magazine #123).

Note: It is COLD in these tunnels - though not enough to inflict damage.

This tunnel has a set of iron “train” tracks - which the Duergar use to haul their siege weapons to the cavern. (See below).

The party will approach from the left side of the map. On their way in, about 100 feet off the map, they will encounter a squadron of six Duergar Scouts (see attached stat sheet). Two of these scouts will fall back to the main cavern to warn the rest of the Duergar, while the other four will remain at their post. Two of these four will go invisible and attempt to hide in the shadows. The distraction provided by the visible Duergar gives them a circumstance bonus of +2, so their “Take 10” Hide check is 19. Only those who can see Invisible (or use other means to detect magical effects) should be allowed a roll.

The two visible scouts will make sure they have been seen, then flee up the tunnel to the main cavern. It is their hope that they draw the party past the concealed scouts to allow sneak attacks. Regardless of the setup, the main combat will not take long to get started.

In the main cavern are four more Duergar scouts, two Duergar Defenders, two Advanced Iron Golems, and a Duergar Druid. See attached sheets for all but the Iron Golems, which can be found below. Prior to the party's arrival, it is assumed that the Druid has cast several spells on himself. Note: The Iron Golems have permanent Antimagic Fields cast on them (10' radius each). The Druid can control the Golems and will send them to attack the party first. However, one is positioned at the entrance to the southern tunnel and will have to move to intercept the party.

Ideally, the Scouts and Defenders will hold back to see how the Golems fare. If the Golems are defeated, their antimagic fields will drop. At this point, the Scouts will go invisible and either attempt to flee or make sneak attack attempts. Meanwhile, the Defenders will Enlarge themselves and take up Defensive Stances to defend the Druid.

Also, the cavern has been covered by a Widened Dimensional Lock spell which should contain the fight a bit. (Yes, I know this can't be done within the normal rules. Get bent!) The only areas that are not under the effect of this spell are the upper, right corner. Note: This spell is VISIBLE as a shimmering, emerald field.

Before the party enters the cavern, one of the Iron Golems will begin lobbing small exploding iron barrels at the party. It will target a person and only needs to make a ranged touch attack to hit. The explosion is akin to a Fireball (20' radius), but deals 20d6 damage (half of which is fire and the other half sonic). Note: The exploding barrels are NOT magical. They are alchemical in nature and are WAY beyond the skills of the party to analyze and duplicate. (At least in the short term)

The Duergar are rolling these barrels down the tunnel on the south of the cavern and using them to lay siege to the Erel Hudai Drow. This, in fact, will be the first indication to the party that something is ahead. They will hear a distant, muffled explosion echoing down the tunnels. The timing of this siege was picked to correspond to the Drow's full moon holy ceremony. If the party manages to discover this detail, it should confirm that these are the Drow they are after…

Advanced Iron Golem (Large Construct) Hit Dice: 24d10+30 (162 hp) Initiative: -1 Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares) Armor Class: 30 (-1 size, -1 Dex, +22 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 30 Base Attack/Grapple: +18/+34 Attack: Slam +29 melee (2d10+11) Full Attack: 2 slams +29 melee (2d10+11) Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft. Special Attacks: Breath weapon (free action once every 1d4+1 rounds) Special Qualities: Construct traits, damage reduction 15/adamantine,

    darkvision 60 ft., immunity to magic, low-light vision

Saves: Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +8 Abilities: Str 33, Dex 9, Con 0, Int 0, Wis 11, Cha 1 Skills: — Feats: — Challenge Rating: 15 Alignment: Always neutral

Breath Weapon (Su)

    10-foot cube, cloud of poisonous gas lasting 1 round, free action once
    every 1d4+1 rounds; initial damage 1d4 Con, secondary damage 3d4 Con,
    Fortitude DC 19 negates. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Immunity to Magic (Ex)

    An iron golem is immune to any spell or spell-like ability that allows
    spell resistance. In addition, certain spells and effects function
    differently against the creature, as noted below.
    A magical attack that deals electricity damage slows an iron golem (as the
    slow spell) for 3 rounds, with no saving throw.
    A magical attack that deals fire damage breaks any slow effect on the
    golem and heals 1 point of damage for each 3 points of damage the attack
    would otherwise deal. If the amount of healing would cause the golem to
    exceed its full normal hit points, it gains any excess as temporary hit
    points. For example, an iron golem hit by a fireball gains back 6 hit
    points if the damage total is 18 points. An iron golem gets no saving
    throw against fire effects.
    An iron golem is affected normally by rust attacks, such as that of a rust
    monster or a rusting grasp spell.

2. Back (in story time) to Beholder's cavern

Flashback to where we left the party last time. They will have some treasure to divide (which they will probably insist on doing prior to the combat at step #1).

They also need to clear out 100 feet of collapsed cavern to reveal the Godstone. The easiest way to do this is with spells such as Transmute Rock to Mud.

3. Godstone (clear cave-in on both ends)

The Godstone follows the basic description as set forth in the article “Godstones” from Harnlore Issue 9 (Spring, 1990) by N. Robin Crossby and Tom Dalgliesh, published by Columbia Games.

This particular Godstone is NOT active and will need to be activated before the party can proceed through it. As Godstones are psionic devices, this can be accomplished by a DC 20 Use Psionic Device roll, or a DC 30 Concentration check (once the nature of the Godstone has been determined).

Stretch this section out as long as it's interesting (and time permits).

Once the Godstone is activated, the party will learn that only a Tiny creature can make it through. Anybody else will encounter rubble and be forcible ejected back through the portal (taking 3d6 damage in the process).

4. Forward (in story time) to after Duergar combat

Cleanup and divvy the treasure from the Duergar.

The key find here are the exploding barrels. They have some kind of impact fuse - but it requires quite a bit of force to trigger, so they can be transported relatively safely. The Duergar started out with 43 of these barrels - so there are likely to be many leftovers!

5. Down tunnel to Drow Enclave

Down the tunnel there is a set of small, iron train tracks that the Duergar set up to deliver their barrel bombs. Just beyond the end of this track is a massive, barricaded iron door. It has borne the brunt of MANY explosions and is starting to yield. There are cracks around the hinges and the heat from within is noticeable to any who stand near the door.

Drow Sentries also keep watch on this area via small holes in the door which are periodically opened. However long the party lingers here, is how long the Drow will have to prepare for the coming battle.

6. Breach defenses and fight Drow

Bringing down the door should be relatively easy - considering the damage that has already been done to it. However, preparing for the fight beyond will take some care.

The Drow have been prepping for a battle with the Duergar for two days now, so they have quite a significant contingent of combatants waiting just on the other side of the door:

    2 Fomorian Giants (see stats for "Fnogghi's Spearmen")
    2 Drow Commanders (from Dezzavold, p.93 - though these are Male)
    6 Drow Warmages (see "Drow Warmage/12" sheet)
    6 Drow Favored Souls (see "Drow Favored Soul/12" sheet)
    1 Drow Master Enchanter (see "Drow Enchanter" sheet)

Two of the Warmages have Staffs of Submission (see below). The Giants have mind-control chain collars (much like the one found on the Ettin way back in Voyager #34 - though this one is not housed in a protective, leather sleeve).

New Magic Item: Staff of Submission (Caster Level 15)

    1 charge = Whelm (PHB2 p.128) - 5d6 nonlethal damage to single target
       Will save DC 15, Range 60 feet.
    2 charges = Whelm, Mass (PHB2 p.128) - 10d6 nonlethal damage to 15 targets.
       Will save DC 18, Range 60 feet.
    3 charges = Overwhelm (Metamagic: Reach) (PHB2 p.120) - ALL nonlethal damage
       to single target.  Will save DC 24, Range 30 feet.

There is much more to this complex than just this fight in the entryway. However, I will save the details of the rest for the next session. Here are the rough notes about some of what is coming…

Elements to include:

    Scrying device to observe the moon
    Mind-controlled slaves, along with high-level enchanter
    Shadow gate: one-way to the Elemental World
    Necromantic "river" through the gate

Encounter: Erel Hudai and tons of slaves

    (slaves wear mind control chains - just like the one found on the Ettin)
    These collars, however, are not encased in leather.
    The collars make them subordinate to Elm'eny, the lich

Discover necromantic “river”

    (What's the mechanism for sealing the cave and killing everyone?)
    The caverns which house the slaves have a necromantic enchantment tied to
       the river which saps the life force of creatures who are near death.
       Specifically, if a character reaches the "Disabled" state, they take
       negative energy damage at the rate of 1 hp per round.  Once they reach
       the "Dying" state, they must make a Fort save each round or die.  The
       DC for this save is equal to 20 + the number of hit points they are
       below the "Dying" threshold.

Encounter: Demons/Undead/Fire stuff

    Include some demons as a kind of segue into the Kevin Arcana story (?)
    Include lots of undead
    Volcanic fissures opposing encroaching magical Ice!
    Elm'eny, the Drow Lich

Find Air/Fire crystal and shadow gate to Elemental Plane of Fire

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voyagernotes85.1183319288.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/27 18:48 (external edit)