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Seventy-fifth session - 14 April 2006 - The Dragon in the Library

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In attendance:

Chris Roderick Cleric/16
Dave Aramil Ranger/16
Jim Bigby Wizard/15, Archmage/1
Ken Vincent Rogue/11, Ranger/2, Wizard/3
Kurt Pavo Dwarf Sorcerer/1, Fighter/10, Dwarven Defender/5
THF Flint Svirfneblin Druid/12

DM: Jim VanWinkle.

23 December 1108

A huge Red Dragon attacks the Library in Rota. Our heroes vanquish it and fly to its lair where they rescue the Gnome, Demetrius.

(More details to come)

XP awarded: 4,500 for Flint; 3,600 for everyone else.

voyager75.1168112707.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/27 18:47 (external edit)