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Seventieth session - 3 February 2006 - The Final Trial

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In attendance:

Chris Roderick Cleric/16
Dave Aramil Ranger/15
Jim Bigby Wizard/15, Archmage/1
Ken Vincent Rogue/10, Ranger/2, Wizard/3
Kurt Pavo Dwarf Sorcerer/1, Fighter/10, Dwarven Defender/4
THF Flint Svirfneblin Druid/11

10 November 1108

Roderick's Trial, in which the insane Planetar, Iabi kills Roderick and the rest of the party returns the favor. While dead, however, Roderick has an amazing vision.

(More details to come)

11 November 1108

XP awarded: 6,400 for Flint; 4,900 for Aramil, Vincent, and Pavo; 3,300 for Bigby (after spending 300 on a Limited Wish); -3,900 for Roderick (due to his death).

voyager70.1168110169.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/27 18:47 (external edit)