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Fifty-ninth session - 8 July 2005 - The Scouring of the Shire

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In attendance:

Chris Roderick Cleric/13
Dave Aramil Ranger/13
Jim Bigby Wizard/13
Val Kesi Monk/13
Ken Vincent Rogue/10, Fighter/1

This session was DM'd by Jim VanWinkle.

On October 1st, a portion of the party heads overland to the city of Rota, where they intend to do some shopping. The trip takes five days, during which Roderick uses his Control Weather spell to keep the rain at bay.

In Rota, a hired guide brings the party to al-Ibrahim, an opulent resort that caters to every need the party has.

After a week in the city, on October 8th, the party teleports back to the commune.

On October 9th, they proceed back to Dreng's barony - where they find themselves in the middle of what seems like a dragon invasion.

(More details to come)

XP awarded: 8,000 to Vincent, 4,000 to everybody else. Vincent makes 12th level.

voyager59.1183251949.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/27 18:47 (external edit)