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Fifty-seventh session - 10 June 2005 - Dragon #3

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In attendance:

Chris Roderick Cleric/12
Dave Aramil Ranger/12
Jim Bigby Wizard/12
Ken Vincent Rogue/9, Fighter/1
Kurt Tragmoor
Val Kesi Monk/12

This session concluded the Dragon storyline and was DM'd by Jim VanWinkle.

September, 1108

On September 26th, the party defeats the sons of Auer, Willis and Elgin.

Afterwards, they head to Sorgul's commune to rest and decipher what they have learned about the dragons. It takes three days to teleport all the equipment, treasure, and contracts from Auer's lair to the commune.

(More details to come)

Treasure found: Magic Items

  • (list not available at present time)

XP awarded: 8,000 each for Bigby, Aramil, Kesi, and Roderick (who all make 13th level); 12,000 for Vincent (who makes 11th level).

voyager57.1241383197.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/27 18:47 (external edit)