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Twenty-first session - 07 November 2003 - Desert Crossing

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All six players in attendance:

Chris Roderick Cleric/7
Dave Aramil Ranger/7
Jim Roget Fighter/7
Ken Vincent Rogue/6, Fighter/1
Kurt Dhersion Bard/7
Val Kesi Monk/7

While the four adventurers explore their desert surroundings, Dhersion, Vincent, and Bigby explore other ways to contact and rescue the missing party members. Vincent and Bigby explore the study of the king's assassinated wizard, while Dhersion invokes the rain king's staff in an attempt to draw the attention of more powerful allies. When these methods produce no obvious help, they decide to return to the dungeon in search of more clues.

On May 25th, they re-enter the palace and meet Anevay, the ghost that the others met while on the ethereal plane. She manages to frighten Bigby away, but the arrows from Vincent's magic bow prove to be enough to destroy her.

With Bigby calmed down, the three descend into the dungeon, where they meet and kill a Gibbering Mouther, three Gricks, and a Gauth (Lesser Beholder)! Despite the risks, nothing of consequence is uncovered - other than the discovery of a seeming bottomless chasm. They become convinced, though, that the caverns have been recently tunneled out - probably by magic.

Back in the desert, the party is moving slowly south. On their first night, [[Roderick has a terrifying vision]]. Without trails to follow, moving is slow-going. However, Aramil is able to help out by casting his Longstrider spell on Roderick and Roget.

Roderick also casts his Air Walk spell on Kesi so that she can scout the area. From this vantage point, she is able to (barely) see the hills that demark the valley to the south.

At the end of the day on May 26th, Roderick casts a Sending spell to contact Bigby. He lets them know (roughly) where they are, and Bigby manages to (barely) pass this information on to Vincent and Dhersion. Dhersion decides to head north the next morning in an attempt to meet up with the others.

On May 27th, the group in the desert reach the cliffs that mark the edge of the Etenai valley. They follow one of the streams down to the valley floor. Just as they are setting up camp, they spot a small (and clearly unnatural) rain cloud just about a mile away. Realizing that this is Dhersion using the staff, they break camp and meet up with him.

That night, real rain clouds move into the area and an impressive spring shower dumps hours of steady rain on the (mostly) reunited group.

XP awarded: 2,000 for Dhersion, Vincent, and Bigby; 1,000 for the others, Running Total: 25,000. (22,000 for Kesi and Bigby)

voyager21.1169410270.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/27 18:47 (external edit)