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Eleventh session - 28 March 2003 - The Tower at Dibe

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All six players in attendance:

Chris Roderick Cleric/5
Dave Aramil Ranger/5
Jim Roget Fighter/5
Ken Vincent Rogue/4, Ranger/1
Kurt Dhersion Bard/5
Val Kesi Monk/5

Map link: Dibe

On the morning of April 4, 1108, the party prepares a crude written message describing the liberation of Abira and dispatches an Animal Messenger to carry it back to the village of Netis. Then, they climb the Pachu'a steps and return to the trail over the mountains. The trail is found to be quite friendly to travelers as it has numerous small caves and other shelter available at regular intervals. Around mid-day, they find an odd stone pedestal - roughly four feet square at the top and set two feet into the ground. In the center are two oblong indentations - perhaps the imprint of giant feet?

On April 5th, a pair of Bugbears are spotted on the trail ahead. Seeing the size of the party, they quickly turn and flee. The group gives chase, only to find themselves running into a narrow ravine with steep walls. The bugbears have laid an ambush.

Despite the terrain and the number of bugbears (there are at least a dozen), the fight goes well for the party. In the caves nearby, they chase away the remaining bugbears and lay claim to a handful of coins and a single wooden chair that seems ill suited for a cave full of bugbears. The coins are also unusual since the Dyanai natives they have encountered so far do not use such currency.

Resuming their travel, the party discovers another stone pedestal. The next day, April 6th, they arrive at the tower known as Dibe, where they were told a wealthy and powerful wizard lives. The tower is roughly 200 feet tall and half set into the wall of a steep cliff. The main doors are huge and iron and seem to be barred from within. Astride the tower there are two more stone pedestals.

While outside, Kesi notices that one of the runes on her staff is glowing. It is the same rune that glowed outside Netis when the frog-beast appeared. This time, though, the glow is steady and stronger and seems to be detecting something higher in the castle.

Seeing no obvious way in, Kesi climbs about forty feet up the cliff wall and tries the first set of windows she finds. They, too, are barred from within. However, one of the second set of windows at ninety feet is open and she manages to get inside - where she finds an old, frail wizard sitting at a large table muttering to himself. Across the room is a magical rock that she cannot seem to focus her eyes on. She heads downstairs and opens the main door to let the others in.

Once inside, the party explores all the levels. The wizard is the only occupant and he is quite insane. His possessions are oddly scattered throughout the tower. The only thing that seems to be in its proper place is the large, wooden table where the wizard sat. The chairs around this table match the chair found with the bugbears. Vincent finds an unusual, but clearly significant, frog figurine.

Back outside, a great blue frog-creature (perhaps the same one that appeared to them outside the village of Netis) appears in their midst and attacks. Though the creature is huge and fierce, it doesn't last long against the shower of attacks the party is able to launch against it. In the end, the beast falls and vanishes in a mist.

In the tower, one more horror awaits. In the cellar, the party finds a strange, gelatinous creature filling the area under a workbench. When approached, it lashes out with a tentacle, but is eventually destroyed - leaving behind a most distasteful slime.

XP awarded: 1,500 each, Running Total: 12,000.

voyager11.1168114905.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/27 18:47 (external edit)