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Thistle is a hamlet in Southern Rota, about 30 miles west-southwest of Southbay. It has an adult population of 112 and a gold piece limit of 70. (See DMG, p.137)

Thistle is an agricultural village that rests on the flat mesa south of the coastal village of Feather and north of the Mosamor Marsh. Its proximity to the lizard treaty line means that Kobold raiders are the town's biggest external threat.

Interestingly, these raiders are more often disrupted by Lizardfolk “rangers” than by human soldiers.

Thistle is one of five towns in the Barony of Wildhurst, under the protection of Baron Johann Wildhurst.

Note: Thistle is detailed in the adventure “Within the Circle”, by Sam Brown, published in the January, 2006 issue of "Dungeon Magazine", pages 16-29.

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thistle.1170561949.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/27 18:44 (external edit)