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The Spindrift Islands


In between the Main continent and the Northern continent are a string of islands known collectively as Spindrift (This is the original home to my campaign). Spindrift came close to collapse during the wars, but weathered the storm quite bravely.

The chain is made up of (in decreasing order by size) Lendore, Midore, Aldore, and Marshard islands. Numerous other smaller islands extend the chain north, the last of which is Sabit.

For more information, see the relevant section of the Nations Overview.

Status (1094)

Religion: Celtic

Opinion of other religions: Cautious (44% positive)

Type of leader: Monarch (Traditional)

Description of Judicial system: Individual magistrates deal with most crimes. The city guard and the king's patrol bring in criminals to be tried. Justice is not high, but there are few complaints by the citizens, even though the laws in some cases are very stringent.

Treatment of Strangers: Very well (88% positive)


The spindrift isles have been relatively isolated from the troubles on the main continent, and although they do hold some allegiance to Backbone, they are not interested in helping. The king is doing what he can to insure that what is happening on the main continent will never happen on his islands, even if this means not aiding Backbone. Trade agreements are still going, but individual citizens are trying to find markets elsewhere (to protect their own investments).

Status (1104)

Religion: Celtic

Opinion of other religions: Not allowed (13% positive)

Type of leader: Monarch (Dictator complete with bullying royal guard and Nazi-style paperwork)

Description of Judicial system: The city guards and patrol organizations around the islands arrest citizens for even minor infractions, and most are subject to harsh penalties, although their are very few death sentences handed out. Many criminals are sent to labor camps where the survival rate averages 60%. City magistrates hold full authority in their sections, but have to answer to the city lord, and he, in turn, to the king. Replacements and “reassignments” are frequent. To stem the tide of crime from incoming refugees, and to avert a possible threat from within, the king established diplomatic relations with the orc tribe on the island and is now using mostly orcs for the wilderness patrols (as well as a healthy number for city guards). These constitute about 30% of the city guards and tend not to be lenient at all.

Treatment of Strangers: Extremely poor (06% positive)


When Backbone began to fall, a well-timed propaganda war started in Spindrift. The aim was to turn the citizens against the king when he needed them the most. The immediate result was a steady decline in the king's influence and, consequently, the state of the kingdom. A new leader came onto the scene, then, and used his charisma to slowly take over. On July 22, 1100, the original monarch of the islands was executed, and the new one placed in the throne. Immediately, the kingdom went downhill, but by the time the citizens knew what hit them, they lived in a dictatorship, where free will was suppressed strongly.

The refugees from Backbone and Pleven began arriving late in 1097 and stopped in mid-1099 when Pleven fell. The original capital city of Spindrift fell to ruin when the transition from one monarch to the next turned into a short, bloody, confined civil war. The docks in Lendore were destroyed by the new king and he established Restenford as his new capital. Now, Spindrift is in shambles and not even the city guards try to keep order. Meanwhile Restenford is the world's largest city (larger even than Backbone at its peak).

Status (1108)

Religion: Celtic

Opinion of other religions: Open (76% positive)

Type of leader: Monarch (Traditional)

Description of Judicial system: For the most part, the pre-war judicial system has been restored. However, punishments are often stricter than in the past.

Treatment of Strangers: Good (57% positive)


After the defeat of the Dark Mage on January 8, 1105, Lord Norwood, wielder of Kelva, the sword of command, and originally a captain of Spindrift's ranger patrols, returned to Lendore and declared himself ruler until a suitable king could be found. When he managed to unmask the new king, Uith, as a half-orc hiding behind an illusion, he was able to sieze power quite easily.

However, by May, he was forced to relinquish control over the rebellious islands Midore and Aldore to avoid a bloody conflict. But, by September, the violence had been brought under control and the peoples of Lendore cheered Norwood as he accepted the crown of Lendore Island.

Norwood appointed governors to rule Midore and Aldore, and those men still hold power (though, at times, they serve at the pleasure of the old ruling families). The massive wars on the Main Continent in the 1090's, and the unrest and chaos on the islands in the last several years have served the cause of peace quite well. However, the fear of war has subsided since Norwood was crowned - and the old rulers are beginning to demand more and more power.

With the change in magic in early 1108, a new element of danger has been introduced. While Norwood's sword, Kelva, appears to remain as powerful as before, he uses it so infrequently that rumors are beginning to spread. Also, wizards who once supplied the power base for certain wealthy families have now suddenly gone impotent.

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spindrift.1170653950.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/27 18:43 (external edit)