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This is the largest population center for the Halflings of the Eastern Continent and serves as the last outpost of “civilization” before entering the vast expanse of wildlands that blanket the southern coast of N'Galt.

While the “Hobbits” who live here are mainly a self-sufficient, agrarian society, they do offer a variety of craft goods for sale here. As a result, there are a number of other races who call this “city” home. Chief among them are elves from the Omina Forest who think of themselves as the protectors of the diminuitive peoples here.

Politically, the dwarves from Blanan claim this land as under its authority and protection. However, the elves refute this claim and use their numbers to safely ignore the demands of the dwarven “governor”. The hobbits normally avoid political entanglements of this sort, but when pushed, almost always side with the elves – if only because they allow the Halflings to govern themselves.

shalrock.1188183021.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/27 18:43 (external edit)