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Race Human/Male
Born ???
Died 1125
Nationality Backbone
AD&D Magic-User/15 (CE)

Sethar was a member of the Council of Wizards. His speciality is “The Physical Universe – Mathematics”, which is best exemplified by his unique spell: “Sethar's Sympathetic Geometry” (see below).

During the wars, he fled his homeland to settle on King's Island. There, he famously tangled with Kevin Arcana (as both wizards were trying to understand the mysteries of the portals.

He also made enemies with Katrina and the rest of the King's Island Campaign.

He died in the summer of 1125 after sustaining injuries from an attack by the “Mimic Demon”. (See Backbone Campaign, Game #5 for more details).

Sethar's Sympathetic Geometry
6th-level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 10 feet
Components: V, S, M (metal wire shaped into a rectangle)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You create a gateway 10 feet wide and 10 feet tall that distorts linear distance when you and others you designate step through it. Forward linear distance (which can be “steered” by the caster) is reduced by a ratio (also controlled by the caster) which can be as high as 1000:1.

All creatures must remain within 20 feet of you to maintain the effects of this distortion.

For the duration of the spell, movement can occur normally – but is “magnified” by the distortion. While travelling in this mode, all terrain effects are ignored (including blocking terrain). Similarly, characters can “fly” by walking on air – although when the spell ends, normal rules return, so it is recommended that they are on solid ground.

Example: At its maximum effect of 1000:1 and assuming a normal speed of 30 feet, characters in the distortion field can take a Move action plus a Dash action to move 60,000 feet (roughly 11 miles) in one round. Continuing this over the maximum duration of the spell allows travel well over 100 miles.

Note: This spell is NOT subject to the limitations of normal Teleportation spells. (See portals for details).

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sethar.1454275650.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/27 18:43 (external edit)