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The Rivers

A large group of goddesses, originally from the Olympian pantheon, sometimes called Oceanids. They are the daughters of the Ocean, and each is linked to a specific river somewhere on the twenty worlds. Traditionally, there are 3,000 sisters in this group, but some divine researchers have postulated that there are perhaps 3,000 per world – meaning that the true number is closer to 60,000.

On the prime world, the Rivers were afforded a kind of exemption against “the concordant” that prevents divine beings from interfering with the affairs of mortals. Since many of them live on the material worlds, intervention is unavoidable and expected.

The Rivers played an important role in Voyager's conflict with the Shadowlord.

Prominent “Rivers” are:

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rivers.1169407247.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/27 18:43 (external edit)