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Player Character in the V2 Campaign. Crag Gnome Witch who lives in small cottage just outside the village of Stillsquall in Southern Rota.

Crag gnomes are legendary climbers, given their mountainous homes. Ketamine is nearly a unique being in Stillsquall, although most assume she is just a gnome with different coloring. Ketamine took some time finding her niche in the party, but has settled in being the alchemist, potion brewer, and undisciplined group member. She is nearly helpless when faced with “shiny” objects, and often converts all of her money into the most attractive gems and jewelry she can find. She wields two traditional Crag Gnome weapons; an ice axe, and a spiked chain. However, she enters combat only when the situation is dire, as she is small and delicate.

Her recent potion brewing skills have made her a more valuable and respected member of the party, despite her nearly constant wandering away from the main fighting group.

She has developed something of a symbiotic relationship with Yosi…he supplies the brute force (and piggy-back rides), and she supplies the intellect and direction.

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ketamine.1186711978.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/27 18:42 (external edit)