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Freyrik Ulthkell

Player Character in the V2 Campaign. Feytouched1) Human Warlock who grew up on a farm outside the village of Stillsquall in Southern Rota.

Freyrik is slowly learning of his dual parentage, and is considering whether this will eventually bring him into conflict with Ash, the religious zealot. Despite being nearly invulnerable to the attacks of smaller monsters, Freyrik is often found at the rear of the party, using his dangerously powerful Eldritch Blast. Of more concern to the party members who have an understanding of the religious underpinnings of the Warlock class, his Shatter spell is causing concern. Freyrik assumes that Ash has attempted to determine if he is, in fact, Evil, but the results have been null.

Freyrik has many of the characteristic of his Fey heritage, but would be easily recognized in any group of half-fey. Fortunately to this point, no one in the party has actually *met* a half-Fey and become suspicious

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This is not common knowledge, and is not even fully understood by Freyrik himself
freyrik.1186702521.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/27 18:41 (external edit)