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Common Knowledge

Esham was a member of the Council of Wizards who held the rank of “Wizard” under the Mage Celí Mará. He died in a tragic accident triggered by the change of magic in 1108.

Expert Knowledge

Esham's areas of research were the Outer Planes and Extra-Dimensional Magic. He built a fortress in the Sea of Sand far away from civilization so that he could safely explore these other realms. However, when the magic changed in early 1108, many of the safeguard spells that he had erected fell – and his castle became a miasma of terror as alien dimensions burst through. he managed to send a magical warning message to the Council, but by the time anyone got there, it was determined that nobody could have survived.

When the Council finally convened in the Spring of 1108 to discuss the magic change, they issued an edict warning all people to avoid the fortress as “the risk of infection from other realms is too great”. The Wizard [Khranalda]] was tasked with casting wards around Esham's fortress and erecting warning signs – though it is unclear if she succeeded in this endeavor.

Hidden Knowledge

At the time of the magic change, Esham had numerous “observation” portals open to other planes of existence. When the magic changed, these portals lost their protections. Most failed entirely, but some turned into two-way portals. Of those, a few had creatures emerge from them.

more about the Far-Sight creatures – and Acererak

Sometime in the 1120s, a mysterious man known as “The King in Yellow” emerged on the scene. It is believed that he is (or was) the Wizard Esham – who either survived the destruction of his fortress or was restored to life later.

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esham.1617558899.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/04/04 12:54 by jims