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erimas [2019/09/11 21:15] – created jimserimas [2020/05/31 14:38] (current) jims
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-==== Erimas ====+====== Erimas ======
-Erimas is a frontier town in the kingdom of [[Cherai]] in northeastern [[Thentao]].+{{ ::erimas_area.jpg?direct&400|}}
-== Population ==+Erimas is a town in the "kingdom" of [[Cherai]] in northeastern [[Thentao]].  While it is 
 +considered a small town, it is more prominent than it otherwise would be because of the wall 
 +that surrounds and protects it.  Because of this protection, Erimas is used as the main 
 +trading hub for the local region. 
 +==== Adjacent towns ==== 
 +  * East: [[Waham]] -- on the coast 
 +  * North: [[Bahyrst]] and [[Inggate]] 
 +  * West: [[Raethibyr]] and [[Vestiskali]] 
 +  * South: [[Rewick]] and [[Dastow]] 
 +==== Population ====
 Approximately 1600; primarily human, some elf and half-elf. Approximately 1600; primarily human, some elf and half-elf.
-== Government == +==== Government ==== 
-Erimas is governed by a senate of elected representatives, known as the Silver Synod.+Erimas is governed by a senate of 13 elected representatives, known as the Silver Synod.
-== Notable Places ==+==== Notable Places ==== 
 +  * The Cock and Bear -- a "Poor" Inn where rowdy patrons often gamble and partake in an unusual game called "Giant's Feet"
 +  * The Beard & Barrels -- a "Comfortable" Brewpub run by four Dwarven sisters. 
 +  * The Ruby Shield -- a "Wealthy" Inn run by a Female Halfling named Gillia. 
 +  * The Market -- Anything up to 10gp can be found without trouble; More expensive items are available but will require time
   * Flowe's Masonry: The workshop of a female human stonemason named Annan Flowe, known for her knowledge of dwarven runes and glyphs.   * Flowe's Masonry: The workshop of a female human stonemason named Annan Flowe, known for her knowledge of dwarven runes and glyphs.
   * Brona's Pottery: The workshop of a female human potter named Brona, who was once a great wizard, but retired after defeating Ulfang the Black.   * Brona's Pottery: The workshop of a female human potter named Brona, who was once a great wizard, but retired after defeating Ulfang the Black.
 +[[dm:erimas|DM information]]
erimas.1568254543.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/09/11 21:15 by jims