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elsa [2007/01/21 18:02] jimselsa [2017/05/27 18:56] (current) – external edit
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 ==== Elsa ==== ==== Elsa ====
-Archmage before Edric.  She was an extremely skilled mage and actually +[[council|Archmage]] before [[Edric]].  She was an extremely skilled mage and actually 
-taught both Edric and Sardul when they were journeymen spellcasters.  She had +taught both Edric and [[Sardul]] when they were journeymen spellcasters.  She had 
-a close association with the elves and developed the Longlife spell that both+a close association with the elves and developed the [[Longlife]] spell that both
 Edric and Sardul eventually used to extend their lives.  She was killed by Edric and Sardul eventually used to extend their lives.  She was killed by
-the Dark Mage (using Solgar) in 1098.+the [[Dark Mage]] (using [[Solgar]]) in 1098
 +Her castle (which -- //at last check// -- remains unoccupied) is located on an island off 
 +the coast of the city of [[Larinday]].
 ==== Family ==== ==== Family ====
elsa.1169424144.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/27 18:41 (external edit)