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Sorgul's Commune

Information accurate as of Spring, 1109


“The commune” is a group founded by Sorgul which is dedicated to researching and understanding the new magic. It's primary residents consist of Sorgul, Karelia, Shale, Arundel, and Cindy (all are player characters). In addition, there are about a dozen NPC's which have made their way to the commune over the past year. Some are clearly “layabouts” and will be unable to contribute to the research in any meaningful way (actually, Arundel fits into this category as well), but most are “wannabes” who are willing to learn and will do whatever is needed to help the cause.

The group has taken up residence in a modest walled castle located far to the north of Rota (roughly 130 miles NNE as the dragon flies). It has a small interior, but is adequate for the number of people it holds. It is not in good enough shape to withstand any form of assault, but none is expected. There are eight private rooms in the main building, plus a library, dining room, kitchen, and two research chambers. In the cellar is a vault which can be locked, though not too securely. The portcullis is unreliable and is generally propped open at all times.

History of the Castle

The castle was given to Sorgul by the previous owner, Edric, shortly after his death in December, 1104. It was built nearly 100 years ago by a zealous baron named Alrik who felt the world wasn't being handed to him on a silver platter quite fast enough.

Alrik's land bordered a river which traditionally was considered the southern boundary of the elves' land. However, since the elves rarely ventured that close to the humans, Alrik considered it a waste of space. In 1021, he proposed to the new king, Barret, that he be allowed to build a small keep on the far side of the river. Barret was not keen on the idea, but was distracted by the birth of his first child and so Alrik was able to build the keep without much protest.

In 1024, Barret ruled that since Alrik had been allowed to build his keep and had occupied it for more than a year without a protest from the elves, he should be allowed to remain there. However, he made it abundantly clear that there should be no more expansion by Alrik or any other baron in the region. His order held little weight, though, since Alrik's prosperity and power had grown greatly since his expansion. Many young knights who felt frustrated by the traditional borders had joined sides with him against the king's wishes.

In 1026, despite the king's warning, Alrik began construction on a castle farther into the elven forest. This time, the elves noticed. They watched the construction for two summers before they protested to Barret. The king was furious with Alrik, but was faced with a greater threat from Alrik's supporters than from the elves. That fall, Alrik held a great festival in his new castle and invited hundreds of knights to accompany him. What he found waiting for him at his castle was an elven diplomat and a small army of archers. The diplomat outlined a verbal treaty given to the elves some seven hundred years earlier by a human king and demanded that Alrik live up to that promise. Alrik refused and ordered the elves to leave “his” barony. Few are certain what followed next since only a handful of survivors made it back across the river. It is known that elven archers hidden in the trees opened fire on the knights, but it is believed they were provoked in some way. Alrik himself was alleged to have been captured alive, but most of the others were thought to have been slain. When another group returned to this site a week later, they found only three bodies, and no survivors.

For years since, sightings of Alrik have been reported throughout Rota. Often he is reported wearing the green and browns of an elven archer and carries a small hunting bow. Some have said his ears are now pointed like an elf's, while others discount this. All who see him, though, tell of a simple warning he utters. “Don't mess with the elves,” he pleads and then vanishes back into the woods. Sightings continue to this day.

Since Alrik's defeat, the castle has become an embarrassment to several kings and barons since. It has been occupied several times, but never for more than a few years at a time. Finally, in 1098, when Backbone fell to the Dark Mage's armies and Edric was forced to flee, he sought safe haven in Rota and was given the castle by Galin, the boy king. Galin felt that since Edric was viewed highly among the elves, that he would be allowed to stay unharmed. Indeed, he did, until he himself was slain by the Dark Mage late in 1104.

The Way Things Are

It is currently March of 1109. The Council of Wizards has just convened in Restenford on Lendore Island for what may be their final session. Many of the members were either unable or afraid to attend. Two members, Sandra Middleham and Tylden, both from the Southlands, have agreed to join the commune and are expected to arrive any time.

Closer to home, the barons in Rota are beginning to realize that a world without wizards is a world without order. The status quo has been dispelled and in its place is likely to be war. When the weather clears, there are at least seven campaigns expected to begin. King Galin is still too young to demand the respect needed to keep the peace, plus his outer baronies are tempting targets for the more ambitious barons.


In addition to the various powers that the player characters share, the following is a partial list of resources available to the commune:

Microwave link to Aquila - This device allows instant communication with the sentient computer called Aquila (origin: Earth, 25th century). The link is sometimes weak and there is an issue of power consumption that limits the duration of the calls.

Edric's magic mirror - Before the magic changed, this mirror allowed scrying worldwide, plus instant teleportation to the spot being viewed. Now, it is extremely difficult to operate, but still seems to have some of its original scrying powers.

Money - The commune relies on a rapidly diminishing reserve of cash and lots of goodwill from its neighbors to the south. The latter is likely to vanish if war starts.

Transportation - A handful of riding horses are available to make the trip to Alrik's keep to the south. This is were most trade is conducted. From there, barges allow travel on the river most of the year. Also nearby is one of twenty portals linked throughout the world. To use it, though, requires a key gem which must be purchased from one of Kevin Arcana's representatives. The cost is significant (equivalent to an airline ticket in our economy) and the ride is unpleasant (it seems to have a painful side effect).

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commune.1167891742.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/27 18:41 (external edit)