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The Chosen -- An Introduction

When I first decided to write down the adventures of my AD&D campaign, I had to come up with a reasonable justification for the group's origin. It was no longer good enough to say “Oh, they all met in a bar somewhere and heard about an ancient treasure buried deep within the tomb of Slime.” There had to be a believable reason why this group of people would get together and form such strong allegiances in such short time.

It had been partially established in the gaming sessions that the characters were material representatives of their respective gods. The cat-goddess Bast had Sorgul; Corellon, the god of the elves had Rana and Karelia; Thoth, god of knowledge had Sly, etc. Some were harder. Ozzie had no professed religion, so at one point I tried to make up a god for him to worship. In one of my more brilliant moves, I dropped that plan almost immediately.

In any event, when the stories were forming in my mind, I latched onto this aspect as a driving force. The name came soon thereafter. With the idea (and the name) came more ideas and, amazingly, all the old, meaningless adventures began to make sense.

You see, in the old days (namely my Freshman year), we didn't get together for the campaign. We got together for the game. There is a big difference! In those days, one adventure bore little relation to another. The campaign was nothing more than an excuse to have the characters together. However, at some unknown time, out of all my maps, character statistics, haphazard history, and meaningless dungeons there sprang a world. After six years of gaming, this world has developed a life of its own and at times I don't think I'm writing the story anymore.

So “The Chosen” they are and this is their story.

Player Characters


Abraham – Very much the stereotypical half-orc. Played by Matt Plass.

Bangkor – (Original name “Bangkok”. Changed it for the story. Sorry, Chris). Priest to Set. Not entirely friendly. Played by Chris Bezodis.

Eril – (Original name “Eril Flynn”, I believe. Shortened for obvious reasons) Elven thief. Rana's cousin. Wisely turned her back on adventuring before things got too nasty. Played by Cat Faber.

Felix – Druid. Played by Chris Bezodis.

Karelia – Half-elven druid with a uncanny strength. Her allegiance to Corellon far outweights her allegiance to the druids, though. Played by Pete Norton.

Knock – A thief type who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Played by Chris Bezodis.

Lavarock – A mentally unstable elven magician. Companion to Bangkor (for unknown reasons). Played by Roy Guisinger.

Ozzie – Half-orc swordsman of uncomparable abilities. Not nearly as unpleasant as the stereotype would have him. Played by Chris Bezodis.

Rana – Half-elven Ranger. Super-naturally lucky. Played by Nancy Millis.

Seagoon – Unlucky Ranger. First real casualty in the war between Bast and Hades (oops, did I give anything away with that statement?). Played by Chris Bezodis.

Sly – Half-elven Bard, excellent fighter (because of his ability to not be hit), keenly interested in all things musical and magical (NOT in that order). Played by Brian Bishop.

Sorgol – Half-elven priest to Bast. Adept at magic, devout to the point of confusion. Played by Roy Guisinger.

Sphyg – A thief type who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Played by Roy Guisinger.

"Brother" William – Not his real name. Sometime assassin, All-the-time deceiver. Has gone under a variety of names, including “Borgos”. Played by Ted LaPage.

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chosen0.1168918080.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/27 18:41 (external edit)