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Often called “The Fifth Kingdom” by the locals, this kingdom is more formally known as “Cheraî” (pronounced chair-EYE or share-EYE, depending on regional dialect). It is the home of the Cheraî Campaign launched in September 2019.

Cheraî is located on the north-eastern corner of Thentao (aka “The Main Continent”). For centuries, the elves of Pleven provided a buffer between the residents of Cheraî and the rest of the northern shore kingdoms – an isolation that the natives relished.

The region is bordered on the west by the Border Mountains – although the locals refer to this part of it as "The Shield Range".

When Pleven was besieged by Sardul's Orc armies, the elves were no longer able to provide Cheraî with any defense. And without a centralized government, the various warlords who ruled the cities back then were not likely to hold their own against the inevitable assault. A young and charismatic man named Vyncent took up the call and began uniting the various factions. In little over a year, he had managed to convince roughly 2/3 of the cities to back him as provisional king – but only for the purposes of a common defense.

Most of the remaining 1/3 wished to remain independent, and the majority of them found their voice in the strong leader of …

Quick notes (need expansion):

  • Survived the wars mostly intact
  • Orcs weren't much of a bother since they were focused on the elves
  • Now that the Orcs are trading and the portals are opening the world, some in Cheraî fear the “integration” with the outside world
  • Two main political groups: The isolationists (“Wigan lives!”) and the integrationist (“Stronger together!”)
  • Popular King Vyncent holds the disparate factions together (barely) by appealing (as best he can) to both sides.
  • Mutt pantheon – borrows from Egyptian, Greek, Celtic, and Norse religions. Corellon and Yondalla (to a lesser extent) are also worshipped (even among the humans).
cherai.1569298449.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/09/23 23:14 by jims