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Often called “The Fifth Kingdom” by the locals, this kingdom is more formally known as “Cheraî” (pronounced CHAIR-eye or SHARE-eye, depending on regional dialect).

Cheraî is located on the north-eastern corner of Thentao (aka “The Main Continent”). For centuries, the elves of Pleven provided a buffer between the residents of Cheraî and the rest of the northern shore kingdoms – an isolation that the natives relished.

Quick notes (need expansion):

  • Survived the wars mostly intact
  • Orcs weren't much of a bother since they were focused on the elves
  • Now that the Orcs are trading and the portals are opening the world, some in Cheraî fear the “integration” with the outside world
  • Two main political groups: The isolationists (“Wigan lives!”) and the integrationist (“Stronger together!”)
  • Popular king holds the disparate factions together (barely) by appealing (as best he can) to both sides.
  • Mutt pantheon – borrows from Egyptian, Greek, Celtic, and Norse religions. Corellon and Yondalla (to a lesser extent) are also worshipped (even among the humans).
cherai.1568262806.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/09/11 23:33 by jims