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Cheraî Campaign: Session #4: (8 Nov 2019) Ambush outside Raethibyr

Players in attendance:
Norm Kindle Half-Elf Sorcerer/3 (Wild Magic) Connor
Tan Balli Elf Cleric to Sehane/Wizard 1/2 Frank
Dr. Barry Smiley Human Rogue/Cleric to Loki 2/1 David A.
Kasca High Elf Paladin to Anubis/3 (Oath of Vengeance) Don
Quintin Q. Quincy, aka “Q” Half-Elf Fighter/1 Warlock/2 (Hexblade) David S.
Folwynn Wood Elf Fighter(Arcane Archer)/3 Christian
  • Down time in Erimas.
  • Tan buys a map; Kasca buys a Jackal-themed Helmet
  • Meet Kuriz, an Orc merchant new to town. He hires the party to escort him to Thodon. They agree on 3 gp per day plus room and board.
  • Head out!
  • Encounter a pair of Ankhegs
  • Arrive in Raethibyr and check in to the Wicked Trickster.
  • They meet a couple of locals: Brader and Witha. The latter tells them about Eryn, the necromancer whose handiwork the party encounter in Sessions #2 & #3.
  • After a few days, they leave town and head toward Vestiskali.
  • However, just out of town, they are ambushed by a group of Hobgoblins and their Captain, along with Eryn and some recently-created undead (Ghasts and an Ogre Zombie).

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cherai04.1586027005.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/04/04 14:03 by jims