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Cheraî Campaign: Session #3

Players in attendance:
Norm Kindle Half-Elf Sorcerer(Wild Magic)/2 Connor
Tan Balli Elf Cleric to Sehane/Wizard 1/1 Frank
Dr. Barry Smiley Human Rogue/Cleric to Loki 1/1 David A.
Kasca High Elf Paladin/2 to Anubis Don

14 Oct 1129

They choose to close the door and return to the safety of the town. Perhaps they will come up with an idea – and maybe Quintin will be ready to join them the next time…

Back to the "The Cheraî Campaign"

cherai03.1572194259.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/10/27 11:37 by jims