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Cheraî Campaign: Session #2

Players in attendance:
Norm Kindle Half-Elf Sorcerer(Wild Magic)/2 Connor
Tan Balli Elf Cleric to Sehane/Wizard 1/1 Frank
Dr. Barry Smiley Human Rogue/Cleric to Loki 1/1 David A.
Folwynn Wood Elf Fighter(Arcane Archer)/2 Christian
Kasca High Elf Paladin/2 to Anubis Don
David S. was busy getting married

14 Oct 1129

In the morning, Quintin wakes up feeling poorly (a by-product of his rat bite and falling in the unsanitary pit at “The Cock and Bear”). Since he is unable to join the others in their mission against the bandits, Thommik suggests that he will find more adventurers to help.

Near the end of the day, Thommik introduces the others to two new recruits: Folwynn, a Wood Elf Archer, and Kasca, a strangely-dressed Paladin who worships Anubis.

After a lively discussion, the group decides a night-time assault is their best option, despite it being only a few days from a new moon. They grab their gear and head out towards the ruins of the “Church of the Everlight” – which Thommik says the Bandits are using as their base.

When they get close to their destination, they pull off the main road and set up a temporary campsite, while Barry and Folwynn scout ahead.

When the scouts return with a favorable report, the entire group moves in to attack. After a brief struggle, several Bandits, a Scout, and their leader are taken down, while others flee. In the end, they have three live captives: A female Scout, and two male Bandits.

Barry stabs one of the Bandits to Intimidate the others – but that starts a moral debate among the others, undermining his intent. Despite this, they learn that the bandits were hired by a necromancer named “Eryn” – and that when she is present, she works in the crypt under the ruins. However, the crypt is populated by undead and the bandits strongly suggest that the party not go down there.

After a short rest, the party does just that…

They find what they suspect is Brown Mold behind a closed door. Then, a couple of Skeletons in a crypt (which are easily destroyed). And finally, some Yellow Mold which nearly kills Barry after he triggers its spores. Luckily, Kasca is able to neutralize the poison before it kills Barry.

Finally, the party finds a room with an “army” of Skeletons. After a quick strategy discussion, Barry drops a bag of Ball Bearings and Tan casts a "Grease" spell. These combine to reduce the skeletons effectiveness – but the party quickly realizes that they will not be able to destroy all the skeletons without a long, dangerous slog.

They choose to close the door and return to the safety of the town. Perhaps they will come up with an idea – and maybe Quintin will be ready to join them the next time…

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cherai02.1575148924.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/11/30 15:22 by jims