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Cheraî Campaign: Session #1

Players in attendance:
Quintin Q. Quincy, aka “Q” Half-Elf Fighter/1 David S.
Norm Kindle Half-Elf Sorcerer(Wild Magic)/1 Connor
Tan Balli Elf Fighter(Cleric)/1 Frank
Dr. Barry Smiley Human Rogue(Healer)/1 David A.

As members of “Zeni's Fellowship”, a traveling carnival, the party members find themselves in the town of Eramis, sitting in a rowdy Inn called “The Cock and Bear”. The four of them have come together because of their shared disappointment at their prospects in the carnival. So they sit amidst the jovial noise, dreaming and scheming about finding new, exciting opportunities elsewhere.

Inspired in part by his disillusionment (with help from a fair amount of ale), Quintin decides to try his hand at a local game known as “Giant's Feet” – where the combatants (with their hands tied behind them) try to knock each other off a plank spread out across a festering pit. Q's opponent is a sneaky looking fellow named “Edward”.

Seizing on the distraction, Barry starts picking the pockets of a few patrons. Sadly for him, the contest is over within seconds as Edward slams into Q and topples him into the muck.

Norm, who had placed a bet on Q to win, uses the cantrip to get out of paying. Around the same time, Barry picks a tempting new target – but his attempt is noticed. As the “Friends” magic wears off and his target realizes what has happened, Norm suggests it is time to leave! Now! Barry, with a couple of burly bodyguards on his tail, enthusiastically agrees.

Q, fresh from crawling out of the pit, and Tan – mostly oblivious to what his colleagues have done – agree (despite their confusion), and the four of them run to the door. Aiding their escape is a mysterious figure who steps out of the crowd and interposes himself between the angry locals and the fleeing characters.

A minute later, as the four regroup outside, the mysterious stranger emerges and introduces himself. He is “Cyne” (like the river) and says he is a recruiter for a man known as “The Bull”. He suggests the party head over to an upscale Tavern named “The Beard & Barrels”. “The Bull”, he says, “is always looking for skilled people.”

Having no other opportunities – and since “The Beard & Barrels” is on the way back to the carnival – the four decide to take Cyne's advice.

Once there, they see that an armed and armored (and drunk) Half-Orc (“Threyzak”) has the entire room terrified. A Halfling woman (“Mimay”) is trying her best to calm the warrior down, but having only modest success.

Despite this drama, the party gets the attention of a man in the corner – who they quickly decide must be “The Bull”. They approach and tell him that Cyne sent them. As they trade small talk, Mimay gives up on placating Threyzak and leaves the Inn. As soon as she does, half the patrons opt to follow her out – sensing (rightly) that the boiling cauldron that is Threyzak is about to blow.

The party looks to “The Bull” and ask if they should do something about this. “If you can,” he suggests.

By the time Threyzak grabs his Battleaxe, Tan has positioned himself to attack. Within a minute, the four have subdued and disarmed the raging warrior – impressing “The Bull” in the process.

More to come:

  • Meet Helga
  • Fight the rats in the basement
  • Agree to take on a new job for “The Bull”

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cherai01.1569777947.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/09/29 12:25 by jims