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Celtic Gods (Spindrift)

From the 5th edition Players Handbook, p. 298 and the SRD

Deity Alignment Suggested Domains Symbol
1 The Daghdha, god of weather and crops CG Nature, Trickery Bubbling cauldron or shield
2 Arawn, god of life and death NE Life, Death Black star on gray background
3 Belenus, god of sun, light, and warmth NG Light Solar disk and standing stones
4 Brigantia, goddess of rivers and livestock NG Life Footbridge
5 Diancecht, god of medicine and healing LG Life Crossed oak and mistletoe branches
6 Dunatis, god of mountains and peaks N Nature Red sun-­capped mountain peak
7 Goibhniu, god of smiths and healing NG Knowledge, Life
8 Lugh, god of arts, travel, and commerce CN Knowledge, Life Pair of long hands
9 Manannan mac Lir, god of oceans and sea creatures LN Nature, Tempest Wave of white water on green
10 Math Mathonwy, god of magic NE Knowledge Staff
11 Morrigan, goddess of battle CE War Two crossed spears
12 Nuada, god of war and warriors N War Silver hand on black background
13 Oghma, god of speech and writing NG Knowledge Unfurled scroll
14 Silvanus, god of nature and forests N Nature Summer oak tree
celtic.1588277308.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/04/30 15:08 by jims