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Blanan, the dwarven kingdom, is remarkably intact. A meddling wizard sealed the mines and turned the dwarven population to stone in 1098 and so the dwarves were spared from the ravages of the storm cloud. When they were revived in 1106, the world was in a much more stable condition. The dwarves, though, rely on trade with other races in order to survive. Traditionally, humans in large numbers would live in their outer cities and provide the goods and services that could not be found in their mines and caverns. When the mines were sealed in 1098, the humans outside the walls were forced to flee to Backbone. Many died in those years and few have returned since the wars ended. The dwarves, therefore, have been forced to do the work (primarily agricultural) that they detest. Trade with Backbone is difficult since the two lands are separated by a great distance and orcs still plague this zone, but the dwarves have made a concerted effort to carve a safe route. They are continually frustrated by Queen Rathwyn since she refuses to commit her soldiers to patrol these dangerous trade routes. The bottom line is simple: Blanan needs the trade, Backbone does not. This is a position that the dwarves find unacceptable!

Ruled by King Clandig IV and his advisor, Wacarnelian, wielder of Rûklil.

blanan.1244421524.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/27 18:40 (external edit)