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bb09 [2016/01/03 14:39] – created jimsbb09 [2017/05/27 18:56] (current) – external edit
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 ==== #9: "The Weather Station" ==== ==== #9: "The Weather Station" ====
-**//date here//**+Attendance: No Kurt (Garil)
-Join forces with Karag's Krew and bring down the duke+**//October 1125//**
-//more to come//+The storm season hits with a vengeance.  Eventually, when the rains don't subside after a 
 +couple of weeks, it becomes clear that something magical is happening.
 +[[Osahar]] cracks the puzzle and points the party to a small island off the coast.  There
 +the party discovers the "Weather Station" -- a powerful detection artifact that has been
 +perverted by an insane wizard into creating storms.
 +They defeat the wizard and learn how to use the weather station to detect all manner of 
 +items and events worldwide.
bb09.1451853599.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/27 18:40 (external edit)