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Banrhialorg is one of the legacy items used by King Theron (“The Forgotten King”) and his entourage in the early days of the third age. It was found by V2 in the year 1111, along with the sword Merthúvial, the armor Nanietharil, and the shield Aegis Inviolable.

Banrhialorg (Celestial for “Queen's Staff”) is a finely tapered staff of ash wood shod with unblemished gold on its foot and a golden draconic head with sapphire eyes and a ruby tongue on its top. Close examination reveals that the faint lines and veins in the wood form a sequence of arcane runes that repeat down the staff's length.

Nonlegacy Game Statistics: Masterwork quarterstaff that also functions as a Lesser metamagic rod of “Extend Spell”; Cost 3,600 gp.

Omen: When an arcane spellcaster grasps the staff the golden head's sapphire eyes flash with lightning and its tongue burns with fire, shedding light like a candle. The wielder can suppress this display as a free action, bur it returns when the wielder picks up the staff anew.

Wielder Requirements
  • Ability to cast arcane spells.
  • Knowledge (arcana) 5 ranks.
  • One metamagic feat.
Penalties and Abilities

Columns are NOT cumulative. For example, a 13th level wielder takes a -1 penalty on skill checks and saves, a -2 penalty to caster level, and gives up a 4th-level spell slot.

5th Arcane cipher
6th 1st Arcane alacrity
7th -1 -1
8th -1 2nd
10th 3rd Arcane resistance
12th 4th
13th -2 Arcane persistence
14th 5th Arcane repulsion
15th -2
16th 6th Arcane reserve
17th Arcane acumen
18th 7th
20th 8th Arcane empowerment
Legacy Item Abilities

Arcane Cipher (Sp): At 5th level, you can use detect magic read magic, and arcane mark at will as the spells, using a different command word for each effect.. Caster level 5th.

Arcane Alacrity (Su): At 6th level, your ability to prepare or manipulate arcane magic improves. If you prepare arcane spells, you require 20 minutes to prepare your daily allotment of spells rather than the standard hour. Preparing a smaller portion of your daily allotment of spells takes a proportionally smaller amount of time, but always at least 5 minutes. If you spontaneously cast arcane spells, adding a metamagic feat to an arcane spell does not increase that spell's casting time.

Arcane Resistance (Su): At 10th level, you gain a +3 resistance bonus on saving throws.

Arcane Persistence (Su): At 13th level, you can apply the Extend Spell feat to up to three spells per day of up to 9th level that you can cast. Using this legacy ability doesn't increase the spell slot of the altered spell.

Arcane Repulsion (Su): At 14th level, you gain damage reduction 10/magic against ranged weapons, as if affected by a protection from arrows spell. The effect has no limit to the amount of damage it can absorb. Caster level 10th.

Arcane Reserve (Su): At 16th level, you can store up to three levels of spells in Banrhialorg, as if the staff were a ring of minor spell storing.

Arcane Acumen: At 17th level, you gain a +6 enhancement bonus to your primary arcane spellcasting ability score, either Intelligence or Charisma. If you have more than one arcane spellcasting class, you can choose Intelligence or Charisma to benefit from this legacy ability. Once you've chosen, the application of this bonus cannot be changed.

Arcane Empowerment (Su): At 20th level, you can apply the Empower Spell feat to up to three spells per day of up to 9th level that you can cast. Using this legacy ability doesn't increase the spell slot of the altered spell.


currently unknown

Legacy Rituals

Three rituals are required to unlock all the abilities of Banrhialorg.

Past Wrongs: details unknown

Behind the Throne: details unknown

Two Become One: details unknown

banrhialorg.1203155130.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/27 18:40 (external edit)