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The Aegis Inviolable

The Aegis Inviolable

Note: This magic item was created by Ari Marmell and appears in the module "Fortress of the Yuan-ti", as published by Wizards of the Coast LLC.

The Aegis Inviolable is one of the legacy items used by King Theron (“The Forgotten King”) and his entourage in the early days of the third age. It was found by V2 in the year 1111, along with the staff Banrhialorg, the sword Merthúvial, and the armor Nanietharil.

This item of legacy is a heavy steel shield bordered in bronze. The shield's dark steel is almost black, its center darker still. That center (where a personal ensign or standard might normally be placed) shifts and wavers depending on the angle from which it is viewed.

Nonlegacy Game Statistics: +1 heavy steel shield; cost 1,770 gp. You are considered 1 level higher for the purpose of turning or rebuking undead, though you do not gain this ability if you do not already have it.

Omens: When a wielder straps the shield to his arm, the holy symbol of his deity, the standard of his liege or kingdom, or the emblem of an organization to which he belongs immediately appears in the center of the shield. The shield resizes to fit any Small, Medium, or large wielder.

Wielder Requirements
  • Proficiency wirh heavy shields.
  • Base attack bonus +3.
  • Knowledge (nobility and royalty) or Knowledge (religion) 2 ranks.
Penalties and Abilities
Hit Point
Spell Slot
5th 1st +1 light fortification heavy steel shield
6th 2 Energy aegis 10
7th 2
8th -1 2nd Holy vessel
9th 2
10th Protection of the gods
11th 3rd Energy aegis 20
12th +3 medium fortification heavy steel shield
13th 2 4th Still cast
15th 2
16th 5th Divine Ward
Legacy Item Abilities

Energy Aegis (Su): Once per day as an immediate action, you can grant yourself energy resistance 10 against a specified type of energy (chosen when you activate this power). The energy resistance lasts for 1 round. At 11th level, this increases to energy resistance 20.

Holy Vessel (Su): At 8th level, the Aegis Inviolable functions as your holy symbol for the purpose of divine spellcasting, turning undead, or any other use for which you would normally require a holy symbol. In addition, you gain the benefit of the Eschew Materials feat for any divine spell you cast.

Protection of the Gods (Su): At 10th level, the Aegis Inviolable grants you the benefit of the shield of faith or shield other spell (your choice) as a swift acrion once per day. Caster level equals your Hit Dice.

Still Cast (Su): At 13th level, you can apply the Still Spell feat to any spell you cast of 6th level or lower, up to three times per day. Use of this ability does not change the spell slot of the altered spell.

Divine Ward (Su): At 16th level, you gain the benefit of death ward, but only against the first two attacks of the appropriate sort per day.


currently unknown

Legacy Rituals

Two rituals are required to unlock all the abilities of The Aegis Inviolable.

The Enemy of My Enemy: currently unknown

An Ancient Evil: currently unknown

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aegis_inviolable.1243027240.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/27 18:39 (external edit)