Fifty-eighth session - 24 June 2005 - The Rescue of Arundel

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In attendance:

Chris Roderick Cleric/13
Dave Aramil Ranger/13
Jim Bigby Wizard/13
Val Kesi Monk/13
Jim Eirik Fighter/9

This session was DM'd by Chris Bezodis.

September, 1108

On September 30th, a group of orc-blood humanoids, along with a sorcerer, kidnap Arundel, one of the people staying at Sorgul's commune. The available party members head off in fast pursuit, along with a visiting knight who goes by the title "Eirik, Lawgiver".

In the end, Roderick casts a Legend Lore spell and learns the following:

A nameless being of great power and even greater cruelty.
He has waited and watched behind the scenes for a decade now
working toward his ultimate goal - not power, but total destruction.

(More details to come)

Treasure found: Magic Items

XP awarded: 1,700 to Eirik, 800 to everybody else.