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Current Unspent and Unclaimed Loot

Magic items – Commons can be treated as Uncommon by lowering them three levels. Remember also that Imbo, Zim, and likely Oin can make new items, and use the juice from others. Also note that Imbo has Disenchant Magic Item.

Treasures achieved during Level 12 & 13

Treasures achieved during Level 11

Treasures achieved during Level 10

Treasures achieved during Level 9

Cash or equivalent:

Imbo, in his role as quartermaster, takes the remaining cash, converts to smaller form factors (mmmm…platinum….) [and borrows 500, K?], and places it in a bag marked “All for All” within his Haversack.

Group moneybag: 3,000 gp Consider this our 'Raisus Deadumus' Fund. Anyone else who has money for the bag, let me know. Or for Imbo, for that matter.