Relative Character Abilities

===Characteristics/Abilities=== < ===Lady Paladin=== ===Quantum=== ===Hex=== ===Shimmer=== ===99===
OCV/DCV < 9/7 8/8 8/7 8/8 9/4
PD/rPD < 32/12 25/10 28/10 20/10 12/8
ED/rED < 30/12 25/10 28/10 20/10 12/8
Stun number PD/ED < 50/48 45/45 48/48 38/38 42/42
Normal Attack

11 Martial || 12 Energy || 10 Physical || 12 Phys/10 Energy || 12 Phys* ||

Killing Attack < — 4 Energy 4 Phys
Mental Defense < 8 15 20
Flash Defense < — 4 sight 4 hearing 5 sight

to go to 0 STUN (physical/energy) ||< 5/4.2 || 3/3 || 3.6/3.6 || 1.8/1.8 || 6.7/4 ||

to go to 0 BODY (physical/energy) ||< 9/9 || 3.8/3.8 || 4/4 || 3.5/3.5 || 6.7/6.7 || NOTE: This is just some averages. It doesn't include any of the highly detailed special attacks, defenses, modes, and other powers that these characters have. It's just a way that the GM can judge if he is going to kill off the party or not.

GM Retcons

As a GM, I want to avoid retconning games, and whatever happens between the characters and the NPCs is valid and worth keeping. My exception is for names and descriptions, since some of these I create at the very last minute. Without much thought, the names of supervillains and groups I create are pretty stupid, and I don't have a stock of spare names to use. I am accepting donations of superhero/villain/team names, if anybody has any good ideas.