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Game 32

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The Rose City Five, minus Hex, travels to the federal superhuman detention facility in Devil's Elbow, MO to interrogate Photon, the supervillain daughter of Nucleo - the man who disintegrated in front of Quantum after the defeat of Plasmoid. Photon is unhinged, but Lady Paladin manages to coax an outline of how her father became Nucleo 30 years ago. It is also clear that Photon has a heavy hate for her late father, who may have killed her mother 20 years ago.

The group travels to a reservoir near Santa Rosa NM and discovers a pillbox-like emplacement which is emitting military-frequency encrypted signals. Quantum and LP decrypt the signal and investigate. Their presence sets off an alarm transmission. Soon after, Photon appears with two other villains - Dead Man Walken and Stormfront. Photon appears to want whatever is in the emplacement, and to kill the Rose City Five for being heroes - like her hated father.

Stromfront goes down quickly. On segment 2 LP knocks him prone, on 3 he decides to make a full-phase attack from the prone position, and on 4 LP hits him with a triple-martial attack - she lands all three. But Dead Man Walken seems as invulnerable as 99 and Photon is both fast and packs a big punch. At one point, Photon blows a hole in the emplacement but is stymied by an internal force field which protects a twisted piece of alien metal. Frustrated, Photon decides to retreat with DMW. Quantum and Shimmer manage to tag her as she flies off carrying DMW. DMW surrenders.

The Rose City Five begin carrying the two unconscious villains back to the transport, with DMW walking on his own power. They are confronted by a MiB helicopter which demands their surrender and fires two warning shots, one of which tags DMW hard. After a moment's thought, the Rose City Five attacks. Quantum TK's LP into the helicopter's weapons pod, Shimmer blasts another pod, and 99 makes the pilot believe he is buried alive. Within four seconds the helicopter is completely disabled.

While the rest of the group hustles to the transport, LP triages the casualties and makes sure that no one dies. The party then leaves and watches the arrival of more MiB personnel from the stratosphere. They return the villains to Devil's Elbow (the transport disguised as a MiB helicopter). Later the party would hear that the MiB stole the three villains from Devil's Elbow.