^ [[Wooheath|{{::left.jpg}}]] [[Wooheath]] ^ [[CheraĆ®|{{::up.jpg}}]] [[CheraĆ®]] ^ [[Ziramunz]] [[Ziramunz|{{::right.jpg}}]] ^ ====== Wyeford ====== ==== Population ==== Approximately 460; mostly human, some elf and half-elf. ==== Government ==== Wyeford is governed by a mayor, a female human named Cilia Borne. ==== Notable Places ==== * The Shrine of Aphrodite: A stone lantern enshrining the flame of Aphrodite, Greek goddess of love and beauty, surrounded by a neglected garden. * The Crossed Swords: A fanciful elven inn, known for the ghosts which haunt its halls. [[dm:Wyeford|DM information]]