^ [[Erham|{{::left.jpg}}]] [[Erham]] ^ [[CheraĆ®|{{::up.jpg}}]] [[CheraĆ®]] ^ [[Erimas]] [[Erimas|{{::right.jpg}}]] ^ ====== Erialad ====== This town has been abandoned. The information below is how the town was before. ==== Population ==== Approximately 580; primarily human, some other civilized races. ==== Government ==== Erialad is governed by an arcane sorcerer, a female human named Withe. ==== Notable Places ==== * The Lazy Wench: A neglected commoner's inn, which serves only cider. * The Crossed Blades: A fanciful dwarven inn, kept by a retired adventurer named Phely. * The Enchanted Theatre: A large timber and brick theatre, within which anything might be an illusion. [[dm:Erialad|DM information]]