==== Ninety Nine ==== {{9910102014.pdf|Character Sheet}} {{figure_99.jpg}} Public ID: Ezekial Erasmus Mordecai Munroe (Zeke, informally) Known Affiliations: - Noah Munroe, Father (deceased) Columbia University\\ Riker's Island Prison Author of several books, including - Bars:25 years in jail without justice (1879) - Letters from my Father (1886) - The collected works of Noah Munroe, Vol. I (1898) - The collected works of Noah Munroe, Vol. II(1901) - Just a number: 99 for 50 years on Riker's Island (1915) - An anecdotal evaluation of ethnicity of life term prisoners, 1864-1934 - And another one 100 years unlawfully at Riker's Island (1964) - Lighting a candle, or a boardwalk: the 1977 New York Blackout and the Riker's Island emergency generator (1978) - Learning the world from the gray lady 125 years with the New York Times as my only window - Felons, Screws, Guards and People. Short biographies of those who I've met serving "99 to life" for 135 years (1990) - A sesquicentennial unknown: On 148 years in prison, and 2 in the World. (2014) ---- ==== A.E.I biometric report on subject 99 ==== Height: 6'2”\\ Weight: 185\\ Resting pulse: 0\\ Resting respiration:0 Imaging * X-Ray: fully opaque * MRI: fully opaque * radioglucose functional PET: No measurements Fluid draw was taken with considerable difficulty. Fluid contents were isotonic saline, nucleic acids,amino acids, calcium solution X-ray crystallography on skin showed it was the same structure as the internals.\\ Microscopic examination of skin shows no hair follicles, or separation of scales\\ Subject has total bodily alopecia, no finger or toenails\\ Pseudo-melanocytes, uniform coloration. First estimate: subject has all the chemical essentials for life, and it is held together by electro-magnetic and psi-electronic increasing the surface tension. No internal structures noted. NASA 48,72 and 100 hour cognition tests showed no change over time. Recruiting this subject is recommended. Extraordinary discipline, and difficult to injure. ---- ==== Character Vignettes ==== * [[99 Vignette 4|Cleaning the Shotgun]] * [[99 Vignette 3|Novel Notes: Tentative Title '100']] * [[99 Vignette 1|From the files of William Duggan]] * [[99 Vignette 2|A Conversation Between 99 and Lady Paladin]]