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5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons

This page details how I use the 5th edition rules. Comments welcome.

Included Rules

Only rules from the core rulebooks and Xanathar's Guide are allowed.

Character creation can be done using any method outlined in the PHB. However, if you choose to roll dice for your characteristics, I expect it to be done in person – primarily so we can laugh when you roll low. (The same rule exists for hit points at levels 2 and above)


  • Races: All races from the Player's Handbook are allowed except for Dragonborn and Tieflings.1)
  • Variant Rules: All variant rules in the Player's Handbook are allowed – with the following comments:
    • Equipment Sizes (PHB, p.144): Using armor of a different size is allowed without modification. However, a day of this will incur one level of Exhaustion (PHB, p.291).
    • (others?)
  • Significant Injury Houserule: When a character drops to zero hit points, they acquire one level of Exhaustion (PHB, p.291). Every time they fail a death saving throw, they acquire one more level of Exhaustion.
  • Grid-based combat: Combat is typically done on a square-grid battlemat with miniatures or other tokens.

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If you are passionate about running one of these races, discuss it with me and maybe we can work something out.
5erules.1570508236.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/10/07 23:17 by jims